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A New Tool and Perspective for Coaches, Facilitators and Team Leaders.
Learn how to facilitate Animalia and engage your clients with generative conversations. Useful for 3 transformative alignments: 1. Individual to Self
2. Team to the Organization. 3.Organization to its Stakeholders and the Environments.
Personal Transformation Programs
We facilitate an inner journey that reveals insights and a new perspective. Our one on one sessions ignite a self discovery process to realign Self with purpose. Allowing individuals to overcome life's challenges.
Start Ups and New Teams Foundation for Success
For organizations that want to start with a solid foundation for the years to come. Animalia is ideal for creating new teams
Team Revitalization and Burnout prevention
Burnout and stress are nowadays common epidemics. We focus on the revitalization and healing of teams that feel stuck and overwhelmed.
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